Sunday 30 May 2010

involvement of creativity

Well, the essence of the book lies in the minute details but when being adapted as a film it needs to capture the mood of the story and keep the basic structure intact. A filmmaker has to be extremely creative and clever at the same time in order to bring the best out of the book and needs to have a high visual sense. Screenplay is another factor, which can either make it or break it. A good screenplay is extremely important for a film. ‘A successful film adaptation would be more of a paraphrase than a translation, since each medium has its own characteristics which militate against a direct translation. What is important is that the writer doing the adaptation retain the key elements from the original and catch the flavor, the “personality” or feeling-tone of the original’ (William Charles Miller, 1980, p. 210).

If the author of the book is involved in filmmaking it makes things better, but only if the director demands for it. If the story needs to be told to the audiences in the way the book was written, its vital to have the involvement of the writer to write the screenplay, there is no such rule though, but some of such examples have proven the adaptations to be a great hit amongst the audiences. Example, The Godfather (novel) was written by Mario Puzo and was directed by Francis Ford Coppola and Mario Puzo did the screenplay of the movie. And rest as they say is history.

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